Quick Response

Quick Response


QR is an acronym for Quick Response, which is its main purpose: a code that can be scanned quickly and easily from any angle.

Quick Response
QR-Code QR steht für „Quick Response“ - also „Schnelle Antwort“ - was sein Hauptanliegen verdeutlicht: ein Code, der aus jedem Blickwinkel heraus schnell und einfach zu scannen ist. Quick ResponseQR code in the restaurant QR stands for “Quick Response”, which illustrates its main objective: a code that can be scanned

Besuche LA CARTE auf Deutsch unter: https://de.laCARTE.me/QR 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇨🇭

The QR-Code in the gastronomy

The QR code has taken off in the restaurant world. They use them to provide their guests with information in a simple way. Here is an overview of the most popular options:

Simply install Signal Messenger & Sentz Wallet and pay via QR code.

1. Order and pay

QR codes allow guests to order and pay digitally. The process is also simplified when tables with several guests want to pay separately. There is no need for time-consuming separation of bills, which makes life easier for service staff and saves time for guests.

Signal & Sentz Wallet
1) Signal Wallet aktivieren Verwendest du bereits den sicheren Open Source Messenger Signal? Du kannst unter Einstellungen ganz einfach über den Menüpunkt Zahlungen die eingebaute Krypto-Wallet aktivieren. Der Empfang und das Versenden von Zahlungen auf der MobileCoin Blockchain ist kinderleicht, geht bitzschnell und ist fast kostenlos. Bezahle unter 5 SekundenBezahle

KB5.net/MOB - Pay with Signal Messenger or Sentz Wallet

2. Food and drink menus

Many cafés and restaurants use QR codes so that their guests can easily call up drinks and food menus on their smartphones.

LA CARTE - menu card
Increase turnover and efficiency Experience significantly faster table turnaround and a more efficient ordering process in your restaurant with the new „LA CARTE menu card“ for your mobile phone. Free QR codes and printable quick-start displays, as well as short links such as eur.at/beach-bar, ensure that your customers

3. Additional information

QR code technology allows guests to quickly and conveniently provide additional information about food and beverages: For example, guests can easily search for vegetarian or vegan dishes and find out what allergens are present.

They can also use QR codes to find out about events taking place at the location as they happen.

4 Discounts & loyalty programmes

Restaurateurs use QR codes to inform their guests about bonus programmes and offer discounts, which helps to increase customer loyalty to the restaurant or café.

5. Reviews

By scanning the codes with their mobile phones, diners can give instant feedback about a restaurant and rate their experience on the website.

6. Marketing

QR codes can be printed on flyers or posters to alert potential guests to promotions, programme highlights and new offers.

QR-Code Payments

Payment plays a significant role in whether guests have a positive experience in your restaurant. QR code payments offer restaurateurs the opportunity to process payments quickly, virtually free of charge and easily via QR codes.

You can either place the QR codes on a table stand or your service staff can show the QR code to guests via smartphone.

KB5.net/MOB - Easily pay with Signal Messenger or Sentz Wallet via QR Code or Quick Link.

QR code rocks, in the banking world and beyond: KB5.net/MOB

QR code rocks, in the banking world and beyond: KB5.net/MOB

QR code rocks, in the banking world and beyond: KB5.net/MOB