Zivania - The Spirit of Cyprus

Zivania - The Spirit of Cyprus


With an alcohol content of 40% or more, it's not really surprising that the national drink of Cyprus is also known as 'firewater'!

The strong pomace brandy Zivania dates back to the 14th century, when the island was under Venetian rule, and is still made in the same way as it was then. Grape pomace (press residue such as pulp, skin, stalks and seeds) is mixed with high-quality dry wines from the local Mavro (red) and Xynisteri (white) grape varieties and distilled. It is then left to mature for a long time.

Distillation takes place in a large cauldron (the 'kazani') and consists of three different processes that produce three zivania of different quality and intensity. The resulting liquid is clear, high-proof and can be drunk as an aperitif - preferably straight from the freezer.

Zivania Cocktail - The summer drink from Cyprus

Cyprus Food & Drinks


  • 50 ml white rum
  • 10ml Zivania
  • 20 ml fresh lime juice
  • 20 ml sugar syrup
  • 3 basil leaves
  • Shake well

Garnish with a few drops Olive oil and decorate with a fresh olive

Wine and Zivania are highly prized by Cypriots. The quality of Zivania is linked to the unique geological and climatic conditions of the island of Cyprus.

The older the Zivania, the better, stronger and more aromatic its flavour and aroma becomes. An old bottle is often saved for special occasions or as a welcome gift for visitors.

Zivania is served iced with dried fruit, nuts, soutzouko, local meze or small appetisers such as Cypriot loukaniko, lountza and tsamarella.

Ripe, healthy grapes of the best quality are used to produce Zivania of the highest quality.
Zivania contains no sugar and has no acidity.
Since 2004, Zivania has been protected by EU regulations as a unique Cypriot product and as such cannot be produced or marketed under this name in any other country.

There is also a red zivania, which gets its colour from the addition of cinnamon.

In some villages in Cyprus, cinnamon is added to Zivania, giving it a beautiful red colour and a delicate aroma and flavour.

Zivania is also an essential first aid item in the Cypriot home. It can be used to treat and disinfect wounds, massage painful parts of the body, relieve toothache and warm the body. Zivania is regarded as an important warming tonic, especially in the mountain villages of Troodos, where it is considerably colder than in the rest of Cyprus.